Sample Lesson Plan

Teacher: Kimberly Palmer                                                                                           March 18, 2010

Stewarts Creek Middle School                                                                                   Grade: 6-8

Badminton Lesson #2


Equipment: Badminton rackets (6); badminton shuttlecocks (6); 1 net and standards; 1 clipboard, assessment sheets (1 for each student in your group), 6 pencils, floor tape or two jump ropes to mark off overhead clear target areas.


Risk Assessment: The risks are that a student will run into a swinging racket, or a student will pull on a net causing a standard to fall or get tangled up in a net and fall.  Students may also trip and fall if they step on a shuttlecock.


Safety Rules:

1.       Stay on your court at all times

2.      If your shuttle falls on another court, politely ask students to toss you the shuttle.

3.      Keep your hands and rackets away from nets, touching a net during play is a fault.

4.      When the teacher is giving instructions, gently lay your racket on the floor.

5.      Remove all extra shuttles from the floor before rallying or playing a game.





Psychomotor: SWBAT hit an overhead clear into the target area to put the shuttle into play.



a. 5/10 overhead clears will be hit high and in the back third of the court.

b. learners will consistently demonstrate correct form (staggered stance, Racquet back, contact high, weight shift)

Assessment: psychomotor assessment will be given during lesson 3.

Cognitive: SWBAT say the overhead clear cues for correct technique, and they can identify the target area for the overhead clear

Say the three cues for the overhead clear and identify the target area at the end of the lesson

Assessment: A written quiz will be given during lesson 3.

Affective: SWBAT work cooperatively with a partner and follow safety rules.


During the entire class period, each student will follow all safety rules and will take turns with a partner with no disagreements.

Teacher will assess each student using the attached rubric by assigning a rating from 4 to 1 on the assessment form.


Teacher Goals: (1) Get the attention of learners before giving instructions; (2) give accurate and complete verbal instructions for movement task; (3) give accurate and complete demonstrations of tasks and organization for tasks.  




Roll Call

1 min

Introduction and Set Induction

1 min

Review Grip

2 min

Review Warm-up Tasks

2 min

Review Short Serve

4 min

Teacher explains Peer Assessment

2 min

Peer assessment of short serve

5 min

Teach Overhead Clear (Task 1)

3 min

Students Practice Overhead Clear (Task 2 & 3)

8 min

Application Task:

5 min


2 min




















Set Induction:  Students are seated in front of teacher, facing wall or bleachers. Review student’s names.  “Today we’re on our second day of our badminton unit.  On our first day we learned about one of the most important strokes- the short serve.  Today we are going to review the short serve and also learn a new stroke known as the Overhead Clear.  The best part about this stroke today is that it is one of the easiest.  People compare this stroke to throwing a ball overhand. 


Organization/ Management: Lay out rackets along the baseline of the court. Students get a racket after the teacher’s initial explanation of Task 1.


Peer Assessment: Gather students near you- rackets on the floor (peer assessment form)

1.      Put students in pairs and hand out assessment form, clip board, and pencil to each pair

2.      Explain that you want to see how well the students are at performing the short serve.

3.      Show the target area (hula-hoop) for the short serve and remind that the serve is to the diagonal court.

4.      A swing and a miss doesn’t count.

5.      Take 5 serves from the right and 5 serves from the left with peer partner recording the results.

6.      2 servers go at a time (if there is a group of 3 have a server, retriever, recorder)


Teacher Instruction, Demonstration: Bring students in and seated for instruction and demonstration of the short serve.  Equipment should be placed on the floor during instructions. The overhead clear is one of the most common hit in Badminton.  The goal of the overhead clear is to make your opponent move backwards, freeing up the area near the net.  When performing the Clear there are 4 main cues that you need to remember. Now watch as I demonstrate. Demonstrate at least 3 times.  As you demonstrate, say, “The first cue is staggered stance, this mean I have my side facing where I am wanting to hit the shuttle, with one foot back farther than the other.  The 2nd cue in stroke is racket back, this mean I have to bring the racket all the way back into the back scratch position. The 3rd cue is contact high, this mean I want to have my arm extended when I hit the birdie.  And the 4th and final cue in weight shift, this means I shift my weight from back to front while contact the shuttle.” We’re going to practice in pairs so please stand and find a partner”


Learning Task (Extensions)


Cues/ Refinements


Task 1. Perform Clear Swing with no shuttle

Staggered Stance, Racket back, contact high, Weight shift.

Students are spread out on the court with plenty of space for practice

Task 2. Clear with partner toss


If they don’t get it: if the don’t get it have the students try to self toss, if that still doesn’t work have students try to hit against the wall

Staggered Stance, Racket back, contact high, Weight shift.


Refinement: Have students point with opposite arm to get their body turned

4 students on one side of the court, 2 students on other ½ of court.  Students should be in partners. The tosser should be on the racket side of partner. 

Task 3. Clear with partner toss across the net


If they don’t get it: have partner move closer (same side of net as tosser) to create a better set up shot.

Staggered Stance, Racket back, contact high, Weight shift.


Refinement: Refer to racket back as back scratch, trying to get the students to visualize what they are trying to do.

4 Students on one court. 2 students on the other ½ of court.  Students should be across from a partner.

Application Task: “Hula hoop Darts” Have 3 different hula hoops set up at the back third of the court. Each hoop is worth a different amount of points.

Cues: Make sure to contact high

Focus on making the shuttle go to the back of the court



Each person will have five shots, they will keep up with their own score and work against their partner. 


Closure: Students are seated facing wall or bleacher. Raise your hand if you were able to do get at least 10 points in the Hula hoop game? How many got more than 10 points?

Let’s review some important things we learned today.

1.      Who can tell me how I Should stand when trying to perform the clear? Answer: staggered stance with one foot farther back than the other. Does anybody have any idea why this is important? Answer: because this allows for full range of motion.

2.      How do we want to contact the shuttle? Answer: Contact High. Why? Answer: Because if we contact out in front we would be pushing the birdie downward and if we contact farther back we wouldn’t have full range of motion. This also pushing your opponent back as far from the net as possible.

3.      What are the four important cues for the short serve? Answer: Staggered stance, Racket back, Contact high, Weight shift.


After Spring break we’re going to work on our overhead clears again, and I’ll teach you a new stroke to improve your game.